I don’t know about you, but I find it ever so easy to get stuck in a rut with the children’s lunches; sticking to what I know they will eat to prevent tantrums and just to make my life that little bit easier. Then I remember that this makes life boring so I try and change it up a bit. We made salmon paste last week, which we hadn’t done for an age, and it was very well received. This week I decided we would try something completely new with Atticus and Ophelia to mark British Sandwich Week 2018. I have been looking at summer salad recipes and I kept on coming back to the Waldorf salad. The kids love apples and grapes and walnuts so I thought we could create something there.
Atticus and Ophelia loved making this and both got completely involved, probably due to all the mixing fun. It worked well as a sandwich filler although mine preferred to eat it out of the small tubs with spoons rather than eat the bread too. I think in future I may well let them have it with crackers and breadsticks for a fun create your own lunch.
- 2 small apples
- Juice of half a lemon
- 10 grapes
- 1 spring onion
- a couple of child-sized handfuls of raisins
- a couple of child-sized handfuls of walnuts
- 2tsbp Greek-style natural yoghurt
- 2tbsp cream cheese
- 2tbsp ricotta
- Seasoning
- 1tsp rosemary
- 1/8tsp mustard powder
- 1/8tsp cumin
Grate the apple and put it in a bowl. Add the lemon juice to prevent it from going brown.
- Slice the grapes into quarters using a table knife and add to the bowl and mix.
- Cut the spring onion either using scissors or a table knife and add to the bowl and mix.
- Add the raisins and walnuts (chop into pieces if not already chopped) and mix.
Add the yoghurt, cream cheese, ricotta, rosemary, mustard powder, cumin and seasoning and mix until thoroughly combined.
- Store in the fridge until ready to use.